Kabusecha, literally translated as “covered tea,” is a unique Japanese green tea that combines the best of both sencha and gyokuro. It owes its name to the cultivation method used. The tea plants are partially shaded before harvest, much like gyokuro. However, the shading period for kabusecha is shorter—about one week at 50% coverage.

Kabusecha strikes a delightful balance. It inherits the refreshing flavor of sencha while capturing some of the sweetness of gyokuro.

The Japanese term for the unique aroma of these shaded teas is “ooika”. These teas are rich in theanine and other amino acids, contributing to their distinctive flavor.

The kabuse tea process was inspired by the shading effect used in cultivating tencha, which serves as the base for matcha. Kabusecha represents an above-average quality green tea, making it a sought-after choice for tea enthusiasts.